2022 Marks the 14th Annual UArt Open, and the 3rd UArt Open Virtual Exhibition!

There were hundreds of submissions in the five categories: Oil/Acrylic, Drawing/Pastel, Watercolor, Mixed Media & Emerging Artists, so it was a real challenge for our juror to narrow the field to the best of the best. Those of you who attended the virtual presentation Friday afternoon, 10/22, got to hear juror Kelly Detweiler’s explanation as to why each winning piece was selected.

We want to thank everyone who made this year’s Open possible, especially the artists who graciously shared their creative work, along with our esteemed juror, Kelly Detweiler. It really does take a village : )

We’ve included the winning entries below, as well as a link to a pdf of all of the finalists at the bottom of this page.

We look forward to seeing your amazing work
in the 2023 Open!


B E S T   O F   S H O W


Best of Show: First Place

Danielle Wogulis
“Peripheral Nervous”

Best of Show: Second Place

Lucinda Johnson
“Red Plate Diner”

Best of Show: Third Place

Peter Carey
“San Miniato, Florence”
Acrylic / Oil


C A T E G O R Y  W I N N E R S 


Watercolor: First Place

Debbie Jaynes

“Yellow Dahlia”


Watercolor: Second Place

John Spotorno

“Tenaya Canyon Afternoon”


Watercolor: Third Place

Susy Soulies

“Marché de Rue”


O I L / / A C R Y L I C

Oil / Acrylic: First Place

Andrew Morrison

“Good Morning Across Lombard, 5th Floor”


Oil / Acrylic: Second Place

Elizabeth Lock




Oil / Acrylic: Third Place

David Burkholder 

“Midday at Fort Sutter”



Drawing / Pastel

Drawing / Pastel: First Place

Jessica Young

“Brian’s Time Off”



Drawing / Pastel: Second Place

Zoe Marinos



Drawing / Pastel: Third Place

Desiree Luo




Multi-Media:  First Place

Jenifer Renzel

“Planetary Queen”


Multi-Media: Second Place

Claire Verbiest

“Girls Who Read are Dangerous”


Multi-Media:  Third Place

Rhonda Luongo



Emerging Artists

Emerging Artists: First Place

Daniel Gong

“Pots on the Street of Beijing”


Emerging Artists: Second Place

Anjali Guturu



Emerging Artists:  Third Place

Riley Xu

“The City That Never Sleeps in the Day”