The Ruling Class – The Purples

This June we’ll be be exploring the hues Violet and Purple. (Did you know that “purple” is one of three words that has no rhyme? The others, interestingly enough, are colors too: orange and silver!) Often associated with royalty, power and wealth for...


See our RED store windows at bottom of post!Red “is the archetypal color, the first color humans mastered, fabricated, reproduced, and broke down into different shades.” As such, it dominated visual culture for centuries. With the advent of the Protestant Reformation,...


Get ready for October’s True Color…big, beautiful, bold BLACK! Black is a color, the perception of which is created by the total absence of light that stimulates any of the three types of color-sensitive cone cells in the human eye and with very low...
Think PINK!

Think PINK!

This September we’ll be…Exploring PINK! We were so surprised to find all of the amazing information about the history and meaning of this sweet color! You’ll find “Exploring Pink” displays in-store showcasing a variety of products,...
The Blue Blog

The Blue Blog

Blue is the color of the sky and water, making blue one of the most widely seen colors on the planet. It’s no wonder that blue has been a perennially favorite color. Even so, much of the science and history of blue is surprising. Sight is integral to the human...
~ UltraViolet & Proud Purple ~

~ UltraViolet & Proud Purple ~

This June we’ll be be exploring the hues Violet and Purple. (Did you know that “purple” is one of three words that has no rhyme? The others, interestingly enough, are colors too: orange and silver!) Often associated with royalty, power and wealth for...