Sometimes the best way to find inspiration, unleash your inner child and get your juices flowing is to read what others have said and thought. Throughout history many artists and musicians have shared their thoughts about their craft and we can all benefit from their wisdom. Consider these wonderful quotes about art and creativity from those in the know : )

Creativity is not a gift bestowed to a select few. Everyone is creative. And art is not bestowed only to “artists”…we all have an inner desire to make something new. It’s just that sometimes that creative spark can get buried under the “busy-ness” of everyday life.

Inspiration needs to be cultivated and practiced. There are simple ways to let your creativity loose, whether via your hobbies or your business. Creativity is everywhere and art is what you make it.

Visit UArt for ideas, and for the tools to make things happen. Just browsing the aisles of our stores will give you all kinds of ideas and inspiration to create something for yourself or others – from framing to painting to classes and unique gift ideas. Make time to share your personal creativity through your art to yourself and others. The satisfaction is great and the rewards are many.