This September we’ll be…Exploring PINK!
We were so surprised to find all of the amazing information about the history and meaning of this sweet color! You’ll find “Exploring Pink” displays in-store showcasing a variety of products, information and art supplies that feature this color in different ways. Pens, pencils, oils, acrylics, watercolor, pastels – you name it…if it’s Pink, it’s here : )
Pink has always been a fascinating color. It’s simultaneously fresh-faced and sophisticated. It’s the color of love of oneself and of others. Pink represents friendship, affection, harmony, inner peace, and approachability. Pink gemstones represent serenity, relaxation, acceptance,romance, charm and contentment. Pink is the sweet side of the color red and is often thought of as a “feminine” color – representing “sugar and spice and everything nice.”
But Pink wasn’t always a “girly” color and has taken on new meanings in recent history. It has a long, complicated and controversial past, especially in art. Since there’s such a volume of fascinating information, we’ve assembled some of the most interesting links for you to peruse at your leisure to help you “Think Pink” in ways you never thought of before.
We’re tickled pink that this month’s color is so full of fun. We hope you are as well!

• The use of the word for the color “pink” was first recorded in the late 17th century
• The color pink is named after the flowers called “pinks,” flowering plants in the genus Dianthus
• Here are some interesting factoids about pink pigments:
Rose Madder
Made from the pigment, madder lake, a traditional lake pigment extracted from the common madder plant. Madder lake contains two organic red dyes: alizarin and purpurin. The Madder plant is native to Greece.
(Lake is a purplish red pigment prepared from lac or cochineal. Madder has been cultivated as a dye staff since antiquity in Central Asia, South Asian & Egypt, where it was grown as early as 1500 BC)
Quinacridone Magenta
Quinacridone colors were introduced in the 1950’s and have replaced most of the lake colors. They are light fast and resistant and have a luminous quality. They include a number of red to violet pigments.
Dianthus Pink
Dianthus plants are hardy annuals, biennials or perennials and most often used in borders or potted displays. Dianthus flowers are called pinks. They belong to a family of plants which include carnations and are characterized by the spicy fragrance the blooms emit.
• Most flamingo species are pink in color due to pink pigments in their diet
• Crayola didn’t make a pink crayon until 1949, more than 36 years the company started
• In 1893 the Financial Times used a distinctive pink color for its newsprint to stand out
• “Madder root” dyes are used to produce all of the colorrelating to shades of pink
• Pink colors have a tranquilizing effect on the mind
• Pink has also been used effectively on prison walls to reduce erratic behavior
• Her real name is Alecia Beth Moore : )
Lots of links to pink to give you an inkling of how fascinating this color was, is and always will be.
Pink: The World’s Oldest Color?
The Psychology of the Color Pink
The Surprisingly Dark History of the Color Pink